Nobody is that PERFECT!
It's annoying, that "perfect image" people create in their minds about you... that you're flawless, you can never hurt anyone, you're over smart you could never do something stupid, and that you're an angel on earth! but what annoys me most, is when you try to convince them that you too are an ordinary normal human being, with lots of flaws and mistakes... it's like they can't really hear what you're saying, they donno what you're talking about, they don't want to see it, or in other words, they don't want to believe it...
The funny part is when they keep on giving you excuses for your acts and mistakes, while others are being punished and judged for doing something much less horrible...
and by the way, being a doctor or an engineer or whatever doesn't mean that you're smarter or better than the rest, and it definitely doesn't mean that you know more than everyone else... simply because no one knows "everything" about "everything"!
Nobody is that perfect, and am not that perefect either! and i, for sure, can't fix everything!!! o it's not my problem if you can't deal with it!